My friend Pam has her Moon on this degree. Her story is below:
My mother recently relayed a story of my early play days in the 60's play pen, which was equivalent to "the rug" for mothers with OCD, who didn’t want their children experimenting with objects around the home.
She tells me, without batting an eye, that she found me "blue" in the pen as my cardigan button had become entangled in the netting around the enclosure. I said to her in all seriousness, "well what did you do?", thinking she would respond "I threw out the play pen", but no, she apparently took off my cardigan and popped it on backwards so the buttons wouldn’t snag again. She must have thought children only play one way, front on.
This is a pattern which I have developed at length through my life. I have lived in the same suburb my entire life, even though at times I have felt claustrophobic and trapped, a little like the play pen. I renovated, house after house in this "burb", thinking my life would change into a happily ever after with each physical change of address. Of course living life "front on" (only perceiving the future) meant the merry go round continued, until I started thinking about how my past kept meeting my future, repeating the same pattern over and over again. (Karma).
My life didn’t change until I did the one thing I thought I never could:
I filed for divorce.
Not because my husband was abusive, but because I felt unfulfilled in my relationship to him, more like siblings than husband and wife. I watched romantic movies, dreamed of escaping to exotic places, I played out in my mind many scenarios (5th house Sun in Leo).
I must say I have not enjoyed any of this process whatsoever. As a consequence of this readjustment though, I now understand my life a little bit more, because of the trials and tribulations of this process.
My Moon squares the nodes (9th and 3rd house). Perhaps I have dreamt of distant lands in previous lives to escape my humdrum life. Dreaming of different religions, foods, philosophies, friends, husbands, etc. Life this time round has orchestrated it so, crystallised beliefs and personal difficulties, which are to be understood.
I have had and will have many enlightening experiences, but after each one I am left with this buddhist saying:
"Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water."
For me enlightenment comes from a combination of conversations with myself, friends, books, pictures, nature etc etc. To relay these expressions in form allows me to see my own spirit in action.
My Moon is in the house of darkness and secrets, so understanding its energy is a slow painstaking process.
Interestingly, preceding my divorce, I opened a candle shop (The Aquarian Moon). Obviously I don’t like to be enlightened too fast!
Crystals form in the dark.
Gifts, as crystals are precious and sometimes misunderstood, may be given away as worthless/ tired-of jewels, but nevertheless they are enduring capsules of time, which if allowed the light of day, can become a precious enduring heritage.
Now it's your turn! Does any part of the symbol resonate with you?
Share your experiences of this Aquarius karma!
Do any of the astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron etc) fall on this symbol for you? What has it meant in your life?
Please note that your comment may be edited for other visitors' experience. We aim to share knowledge and experience for greater learning.
Many thanks!
Comments for Aquarius 21-22 A Rug Placed On A Floor For Children To Play
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