In general, a quick surf of the net will tell you that the main themes of astrological Scorpio are:
Transformation, Inheritance, Death, Sex, Merging with Another, Other's Money, Financial Rules and Institutions, Self-Renewal, Secrets, X-Ray Insight, Power, Emotional, Detective, Will
When we look at the keywords of the Scorpio symbols (from Dr. M.E. Jones "The Sabian Symbols in Astrology", 1953) we get the following:
Naivety, Friendliness, Fraternity, Allegiance, Rapport, Appeal, Helpfulness, Attachment, Involvement, Fulfillment, Reliance, Safety, Aquiescence, Conventionality, Stablization, Effectiveness, Nucleation, Permeation, Practicality, Cleverness, Investigation, Display, Daring, Enterprise, Intrepidity, Spontaneousness, Ambition, Deviation, Transition, Extemporization
The keywords give us a similar sense of the main themes of Scorpio with Pluto (pictured) and Mars, which are the 'planetary' rulers of Scorpio.
I include these keywords purely for interest, since Dr Jones was a gifted astrologer however the keywords are purely his interpretation of the symbols. I personally focus on whatever I feel resonates with the symbol, rather than going by someone else's keyword. We all have different experiences - for example what may have been true for Dr. M.E. Jones, living in the first half of the 20th century in North America, does not necessarily resonate for children.
What is more important is whatever resonates in you; or your interpretations and your sense of what is right for you.
In all my discussions with people it is amazing the different
approaches to the same Sabian Symbol, due to our different experiences
and personalities.
Click below to look at the individual Scorpio symbols and read or please share your thoughts.
A note on the images below: I decided a light-and-dark theme would be appropriate for Scorpio :)
Please add your own experiences in comments - by helping others heal, you heal yourself!
Scorpio 29-30 The Halloween Jester
My mother has her Juno on this degree. To me this indicates her very black sense of humour, and her own attraction to my father - she always spoke admiringly …
Scorpio 28-29 An Indian Squaw Pleading To The Chief For The Lives Of Her Children
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Do any of the astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron …
Scorpio 27-28 The King Of The Fairies Approaching His Domain
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Do any of the birthday astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron …
Scorpio 26-27 A Military Band On The March
A friend of mine has her Ascendent and her Jupiter conjunct on this degree. She is a youth worker who is especially gifted at fundraising and publicity. …
Scorpio 25-26 Indians Making Camp
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Do any of the birthday astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron …
Scorpio 24-25 An X Ray
My painter friend has her Vesta on this degree. This along with other insight-type symbols contribute to her questioning nature, which has frustrated …
Scorpio 23-24 Crowds Coming Down The Mountain To Listen To One Man
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Do any of the birthday astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron …
Scorpio 22-23 A Bunny Metamorphosed Into A Fairy
Does any part of the symbol resonate with you?
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Do any of the astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron …
Scorpio 21-22 Hunters Starting Out For Ducks
A friend of mine has her North node on this degree. She has trouble going after what she wants as she is so distracted by the many choices of life! …
Scorpio 20-21 A Soldier Derelict In Duty
My first daughter has this symbol as her Midheaven. I am hoping that she will become an activist, …
Scorpio 19-20 A Woman Drawing Two Dark Curtains Aside
My friend Pam has her story below:
This symbol reminds me of my mother (Moon) when I was growing up(family home).
The symbol is my Neptune.
Scorpio 18-19 A Parrot Listening And Then Talking
I have a business friend who has her Mars on this degree. She is in Human Resources and often consults for people. She tells me that this degree means …
Scorpio 17-18 A Woods Rich In Autumn Coloring
After I had written Taurus 17-18 A Woman Holding A Bag Out Of A Window I became depressed as today was cold and I was so tired. I became depressed because …
Scorpio 16-17 A Woman The Father Of Her Own Child
My partner has his Sun and Venus conjunct on this degree. Something I notice about each other is how emotionally independent we are. We often do …
Scorpio 15-16 A Girl's Face Breaking Into A Smile
I recently had an experience that was explained by Voice Dialogue, a psychological framework that for me revealed the truths of my inner selves and the …
Scorpio 14-15 Children Playing Around Five Mounds Of Sand
A friend of mine has her Part of Fortune on this degree. She has many interests and is very intelligent and curious about life. She loves art, archeology, …
Scorpio 13-14 Telephone Linemen At Work
My five year-old daughter has her Earth on this degree. I laughed when I found out her Earth. It really is quintessentially her.
She started talking …
Scorpio 12-13 An Inventor Experimenting
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Do any of the birthday astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron …
Scorpio 11-12 An Embassy Ball
Does any part of the symbol resonate with you?
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Do any of the birthday astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron …
Scorpio 10-11 A Drowning Man Rescued
A friend of mine has her Earth on this degree. It seems to manifest in a strong attraction to action-oriented community services such as the State Emergency …
Scorpio 9-10 A Fellowship Supper
Does any part of the symbol resonate with you?
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Do any of the birthday astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron …
Scorpio 8-9 Dental Work
Does any part of the symbol resonate with you?
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Do any of the astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron …
Scorpio 7-8 The Moon Shining Across A Lake
I consulted an oracle about my youngest daughter and got this symbol. To me this shows me her inner beauty, and also her mystery.
Does any part …
Scorpio 6-7 Deep-Sea Divers
A friend of mine has Saturn on this degree which manifested literally in his life. He tried scuba-diving as a young man …
Scorpio 5-6 A Gold Rush
I have my North node or Rahu, on this degree. When I found this out, it blew my mind, 'cos I'm a geologist, man.
As a geologist, I have had to travel …
Scorpio 4-5 A Massive, Rocky Shore
I have Uranus on this degree. Besides the fact that I have been a geologist, I tend to think of this symbol in more figurative terms. Often in my life, …
Scorpio 3-4 A Youth Holding A Lighted Candle
I asked the Rhetoracle whether I should take an ex-friend up on an invitation to coffee. This friend was someone who I let cross my boundaries many times, …
Scorpio 2-3 A House-Raising
Does any part of the symbol resonate with you?
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Do any of the birthday astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron …
Scorpio 1-2 A Broken Bottle And Spilled Perfume
Pam's partner has Neptune on this degree. She describes his experience below: My partners Neptune is Scorpio 2, this degree, has for him come in a myriad …
Scorpio 0-1 A Sight-Seeing Bus
I guess I have always had the tendency to want to be on the outside looking in. I get a bit out of sync, when someone recognizes me or knows me...
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