In general, a quick surf of the net will tell you that the main themes of astrological Gemini are:
Intellect, Duality, Communication, Mercurial, Sociable, Playful, Surface, Agility, Unfocused, Logic, Language, Networks (transport, family)
When we look at the keywords of the Gemini symbols (from Dr. M.E. Jones "The Sabian Symbols in Astrology", 1953) we get the following:
Curiosity, Tangency, Speculation, Difference, Identification, Background, Representation, Development, Growth, Achievement, Enhancement, Quickening, Prodigality, Preparation, Supply, Deliverance, Recompense, Expenditure, Gregariousness, Charm, Elevation, Fun, Splendor, Luxury, Ritualization, Crisis, Indignation, Protest, Intimation, Clarification
which are keywords that may resonate with planetary ruler Mercury.
I include these keywords purely for interest, since Dr Jones was a gifted astrologer however the keywords are purely his interpretation of the symbols. I personally focus on whatever I feel resonates with the symbol, rather than going by someone else's keyword. We all have different experiences - for example what may have been true for Dr. M.E. Jones, living in the first half of the 20th century in North America, does not necessarily resonate for a Turkish Cypriot in the 21st century on the other side of the world.
What is more important is whatever resonates in you; or your interpretations and your sense of what is right for you. In all my discussions with people it is amazing the different approaches to the same Sabian Symbol, due to our different experiences and personalities.
Click below to look at the individual Gemini symbols and read or please share your thoughts.
A note on the images below: I decided a mercury/quicksilver-colours theme would be appropriate for Gemini :)
Please add your own experiences in comments - by helping others heal, you heal yourself!
Gemini 29-30 Bathing Beauties
According to "The Sabian Symbols: A Screen of Prophecy", the symbol was originally Bathing Girls, however 'Girls' was crossed out and 'Beauties' written instead. …
Gemini 28-29 The First Mockingbird In Spring
I once clicked on an oracle asking whether I should hit up my old boss for a new job. To me this meant to wait until I got a sign that the industry was …
Gemini 27-28 A Man Declared Bankrupt
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Gemini 26-27 A Gypsy Coming Out Of The Forest
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Gemini 25-26 Winter Frost In The Woods
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Gemini 24-25 A Man Trimming Palms
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Gemini 23-24 Children Skating On Ice
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Gemini 22-23 Three Fledglings In A Nest High In A Tree
I have a friend with Lilith on this degree. Lilith apparently means our dark side, or a belief that we must let go of as it makes us suffer. In this …
Gemini 21-22 A Barn Dance
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Gemini 20-21 A Labor Demonstration
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Gemini 19-20 A Cafeteria
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Gemini 18-19 A Large Archaic Volume
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Do any of the birthday astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron …
Gemini 17-18 Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese
A friend of mine has Saturn on this degree. She has always felt that she hasn't been able to "speak her language" for fear of being misunderstood or …
Gemini 16-17 The Head Of Health Dissolved Into The Head Of Mentality
I have a friend with Saturn on this degree. She has three sons and the eldest one is very immature. She constantly worries about him as he doesn't seem …
Gemini 15-16 A Woman Suffragist Orating
My friend Pam has her IC on this symbol, and her story is as follows: This symbol is my IC - the deepest roots of a person...for me at times not a …
Gemini 14-15 Two Dutch Children Talking
My brother-in-law has Saturn on this degree. He has no children, although he has always wanted them.
Does any part of the symbol resonate with you? …
Gemini 13-14 A Conversation By Telepathy
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Gemini 12-13 A Great Musician At His Piano
I know a man who has the Sun on this degree. He is very proud of his achievements and is a bit of a show-off! It was no surprise to find this degree …
Gemini 11-12 A Topsy Sassily Asserting Herself
My 2 year old has Vesta on this degree. She and I share a past life where she was indeed a black slave in mid 1800's America. In this life, she brings …
Gemini 10-11 A New Path Of Realism In Experience
My 5 year old daughter has Venus on this degree. To me this is about her love for camping, travelling and wanting to explore.
I have Varuna on …
Gemini 9-10 An Airplane Falling
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Gemini 8-9 A Quiver Filled With Arrows
I once clicked on an oracle while thinking about a difficult family member. This person is a lawyer and I feel this symbol fitted him perfectly, having …
Gemini 7-8 An Industrial Strike
My 2 year old daughter has Jupiter on this degree. This is lucky because her North node is "Obeying His Conscience, A Soldier Resists Orders", so she'll …
Gemini 6-7 An Old-Fashioned Well
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Gemini 5-6 Drilling For Oil
Hi have a friend whose North node is in this degree. Interestingly, she works as a geologist, after spending many years as a core-shed assistant and …
Gemini 4-5 A Radical Magazine
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Gemini 3-4 Holly and Mistletoe
This is the oracle that was shown when Alice asked the island of Great Keppel what message it would like to give forth: Holly and Mistletoe. This island …
Gemini 2-3 The Garden Of The Tuileries
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Gemini 1-2 Santa Clause Filling Stockings Furtively
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Gemini 0-1 A Glass-Bottomed Boat In Still Water
I have Jupiter on this degree. I feel I have been blessed with an expanded ability to see things under the surface, and I am also fascinated by the subconscious. …
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