Aries 1-2 A Comedian Entertaining A Group

<tt>Jolly Rosso via Wikimedia Commons</tt>

Jolly Rosso via Wikimedia Commons

I clicked on a oracle asking what I needed to let go of and got this symbol. I understood this to mean that I was so attached to the ego part of me that likes to be the "funny" person, who can turn negative situations into comedies, the person that people gravitate to because I am the one with a smile on my face while things look dark. While this is a fantastic coping mechanism, in fact I had started to become addicted to negativity in order to "show my light". I became interested in the problems people had in order to be the positive influence on someone. The thing is, inviting people to talk about their problems brings us both down, because the person was more than their problems, and I only wanted to show my light if they were in the dark. This can be suffocating for the other person, and also exhausting for me. It was ego and it wasn't doing me any favours. I was addicted to that idea of myself, and needed darkness around me to perform. It is a fine line between humour and positivity as a coping mechanism, and over-identifiying with it as a personality. I needed to let this go, and just to see the beauty in everything. If someone had a problem, then just accept it and let it and myself go (rather than making a joke and giving advice and being an exhausted smiling do-gooder). I needed to find the beauty in things that were natural e.g. a kangaroo joey eating grass out of the pouch, to see the natural joy in things rather than finding comedy in negative moments. Sure every cloud has a silver lining, but silver doesn't have to have a cloud to be silver. I needed to try to focus on things that were just lovely, and appreciate them more, rather than have my ego make me "work" by ferreting out negativity. It took a while, a little retraining, but I can see now how I am not attracting negativity now. My partner (who I hooked into because he has a negative energy) is now starting to realise his own negativity. As I have changed, so has he! I didn't realise I had "made" him stay negative because of my own ego-glamor. Whoops! Sorry!

Does any part of the symbol resonate with you?

Share your experiences of this Aries karma!

Do any of the astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron etc) fall on this symbol for you? What has it meant in your life?

Please note that your comment may be edited for other visitors' experience. We aim to share knowledge and experience for greater learning.

Many thanks!

Comments for Aries 1-2 A Comedian Entertaining A Group

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Jan 28, 2016
by: Allan J Ingraham

My Sun is Aries 1-2 a comedian entertaining a group. Your write up on
this degree is very good. I have and do deal with the darker side of
this degree as you so insightfully expressed.

An up side I have
noticed in my life is the ability to defuse attack. I have a tendency
to push peoples uncomfortable spots and almost dance in and out of
sensitive subjects, but these conversations usually end with little
gained except possibly seeing the folly of ideas like race, culture,
or civilization. It's hard for me to take seriously the pressing
issues of the day, I have to watch myself that I do not offend.

On the
up side I can not be offended, I don't shy away from subjects that
others do, and so I eventually find the light within the dark. I find
the joy in death. I find the peace in incompleteness, I find beauty in
imperfections, I transform phobias into strengths, I charm neurotic

I am the answer to fear. I can see and understand people who
are self interested, hurt, or dark. I do not agree with them; but I
can walk in their shoes for a while without picking up their stink.

Jan 29, 2016
Light/dark? Creativity?
by: Bek

Hi Allan, thank you for your very helpful comment, which also resonated with me, particularly the last one about the stink. Sometimes in connecting with others, we forget who we are if we overidentify or oversympathise with them. We sometimes give away our power if we bond as victims. It is so important for me to remind myself of who I am and not carry the energy of someone else around with me too!

I congratulate you on your wonderful project Symbol Astrology. It is always exciting for me to have contact with fellow "Men Seeking Enlightenment" (Pisces 10-11) who are clearly passionate about the Sabian Symbols (though your investigations cover further fields too).

So your Earth (opposite your Sun) is Libra 1-2 The Light Of The Sixth Race Transmuted To The Seventh. Does anything about that resonate with you?
My friend Pam is interested in astrological crosses so I wonder if the comedian that "plays" with the darker (and any) aspects of life is aligned with the creative aspect of the Libra symbol opposite.

Many thanks,

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