Aries 16-17 Two Prim Spinsters

Anonymous painter, painted between 1801-1815

Anonymous painter, painted between 1801-1815

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Oct 01, 2021
Pallas Athena is on the Capricorn arm of this cross
by: Guin Allisen

Spinsters was a word used to describe women who carded wool and spun thread to earn a living. They were typically unmarried.

In Ovid's Metamorphoses, the story is told of Athena, Virgin goddess of wisdom and craft, and Arachne, daughter of a shepherd, who boasted that her skill at spinning and weaving was superior to the goddess. A contest ensued.

Athena created a beautiful tapestry depicting the Olympians defeating mortals who dared challenge their superiority. Arachne's tapestry was more skillful but depicted rowdy Olympians abusing and raping humans. An enraged Athena destroyed Arachne's tapestry and attacked her. Arachne hanged herself only to be brought back to life by Athena who then turned her into a spider so she could hang around and spin for the rest of her days.

According to the Wikipedia entry for Arachne, "The myth of Arachne can also be seen as an attempt to show relation between art and tyrannical power in Ovid's time. He wrote under the emperor Augustus and was exiled by him. At the time weaving was a common metaphor for poetry, therefore Arachne's artistry and Athena's censorship to it may offer a provocative allegory of the writer's role under an autocratic regime."

Could virgin goddess Athena and mortal Arachne be the two prim spinsters of 16-17 Aries?

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