Aries 5-6 A Square Brightly Lighted On One Side

<tt>John Greene @</tt>

John Greene @

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Comments for Aries 5-6 A Square Brightly Lighted On One Side

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Mar 31, 2016
Aries 5 - 6
by: Anonymous

A Square Brightly Lighted on One Side

This would be suggestive of a shadow on the other side
This could give shade to the harsh light or could be, the flip side is hidden.
Only wanting to show one side, which if this was a person, could be their vulnerable points or perhaps aspects of themselves they project to others.
It could be a book, with a light shining across the page.
We all like to show our shiny, starlight qualities but if this is at the expense of our true selves, our lives can be left searching for projections to play out the other other side of our personalties.
For me, the impression is a book, as I have suggested, I have found when reading books there is a great wealth of knowledge lit on the page, often able to light up those parts of myself which I ignore or choose to believe are not me. We all would like to be the heroine/hero which we see on the movie screen or read in a book, but as in all heroic journeys the other side of the square needs to be lit.

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