Aboriginal Canoes by Thomas Baines
So my five-year-old has her Ceres on this degree. She already displays this characteristic in the playground: whenever she thinks her friend is being bullied, or sees another kid getting hit, then she is front and centre facing off the "enemy" about to fight. While this is a desirable characteristic in terms of standing up for your friends, she unfortunately does not have the perception to see that she is making more trouble than righting wrongs! I know that she has no problem stepping forward and she is courageous. When I guide her, I focus on perspective and picking battles! So Ceres has the influence of this being the way she gives and receives love. I know that when I stick up for her, she really does feel loved. My lesson in this is to love this little version of myself, i.e to love myself. I know exactly where she gets this degree from - I am no stranger to confrontation myself! So I am blessed to see in her a part of myself I used to not like, now I can see that it has a purpose like anything else, and look, it's just so cute in a child! :)
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