Savonarola's Last Sleep by George Reid
My friend has her Mercury on this degree. We often discuss the signs of the universe and other esoteric things. She is heavily into self-development too. When we discuss things, I find her perspective very refreshing and she is one of the very few people I know can give me the right perspective on my own "stuff" - and it's funny how we never see our own stuff clearly like we can other people's!! As she herself doesn't really understand this symbol, I can only wonder if it means how psychic she is. She thinks I am psychic but I don't think so! Maybe she has a psychic-radar where she can pick up on other people's abilities (Mercury on this degree)? I don't know!!
Does any part of the symbol resonate with you?
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Do any of the astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron etc) fall on this symbol for you? What has it meant in your life?
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