Anna Wolniak @
I have Saturn on this degree, and for me the pattern this symbol has manifested in my life is of feeling uncomfortable with groups of people - never feeling like I fit in, despite appearing outgoing and socially adept.
I also have other "benefic" planets on other degrees relating to children and the home, so I feel that overall, the karma I have to learn has been about/with children rather than adults.
I did some past life regression and found that I had a past life where a much younger sister died when we were playing (tragic accident). I was so grief-stricken in that life that I feel I chose to come back with Saturn in Leo 11-12 to focus on the well-being of children, and Saturn in this degree is a block that pushes me toward the other degrees that I bring as gifts.
Once I made sense of this, I have been able to embrace my role as a mother and homemaker and enjoy the lessons children have to give me - which is a far cry from the professional I once was. It had been a difficult adjustment changing from that person to become the mother my child needed me to be.
A recent discussion with a friend made me think of Saturn slightly differently - that it is a container or boundary that we need. So you can't drink water without a cup, Saturn is just a helpful container for my "Evening Lawn Party Of Adults". I need the boundaries or structure to fully enjoy these adult social times. I know I tend to take on the energies of people around me as I am sensitive, so it is actually a blessing for me that I am restricted in this way.
Now it's your turn, share your experiences of this Leo energy!
Do any of the astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron etc) fall on this symbol for you? What has it meant in your life?
Please note that your comment may be edited for other visitors' experience. We aim to share knowledge and experience for greater learning.
Many thanks!
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