Libra 8-9 Three Old Masters Hanging In An Art Gallery

<tt>Didier Descouens and Geoff Gallice via Wikimedia Commons</tt>

Didier Descouens and Geoff Gallice via Wikimedia Commons

My painter friend has her North node on this degree. She has felt that this symbol is a signpost of a relationship that once she got past, she is able to find true freedom. A friend of hers and her husband make up the other parts of the trio, and all were close with each other. Unfortunately this meant that the relationships became unstable due to suspicions of infidelity, so the 10 year marriage and the 15+ years friendship broke up.

I personally wonder if this North node means she is meant to be famous and pursue her career as a paid artist. Painting and art is her passion but she does not do it for a living, choosing other careers and jobs over it. She needs to find the confidence (and the means, now she is a single parent) to make a real go of her art. Her South node is in Aquarius (previous incarnations providing service to others for the greater good, being very fair, detached, solitary) and in this life she needs to learn more about attachment, letting her own light shine, and being the centre of attention, and using pure will to manifest her desires. But that is just my speculation!

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