Pisces 10-11 Men Seeking Illumination


<tt>Carla Pais @ freeimages.com</tt>

Carla Pais @ freeimages.com

I have my Earth on this symbol. It's meaning is obvious, and it doesn't surprise me that I have created a website like this! However I thought it would be more interesting to write about the 10-11 Pisces/ Gemini/ Virgo/ Sagittarius cross.

First we have this symbol, Men Seeking Illumination, looking to embrace something esoteric, moving into the Gemini 10-11 A New Path Of Realism In Experience, which is a new knowledge, philosophy or altered state (meditation? drugs?) that adds a layer of richness in meaning on top of mundane experience - daily life? relationships? work?
In embracing this new path, the seeker becomes devoted due to the "feedback" this new path adds to life, becoming the Virgo 10-11 A Boy Moulded In His Mother's Aspirations For Him where the mother could be seen as the Divine Mother. The seeker "obeys" the guidance of one seen as the greater authority.

Further along the path is Sagittarius 10-11 The Lamp Of Physical Enlightenment At The Left Temple which is encouraging as enlightenment is promised in this journey! There are many meanings - that what is learned is now in cellular memory, and doesn't need to be retained in the mind as it is now part of being; our literal left temple is enhanced for receiving messages; or out there somewhere is a Temple Of Physical Enlightenment to visit with the other seekers of illumination (Pisces).

In the other direction, a seeker (Pisces) may go straight to Sagittarian enlightenment (I prefer to think of this as a personal epiphany that comes from within themselves), obeying their guidance (Virgo), however life will provide many layers of experience (Gemini) and the seeker will try to understand them all (Pisces).

Does any part of the symbol resonate with you?

Do any of the astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron etc) fall on this symbol for you? What has it meant in your life?

Please note that your comment may be edited for other visitors' experience. We aim to share knowledge and experience for greater learning.

Many thanks!

Comments for Pisces 10-11 Men Seeking Illumination

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Jun 19, 2016
by: Anonymous

Pamian: Lace Stockings with Old Boots

What should I focus on?

In the last week I had a resurgence of ‘old boot’ emotions lurking up from the buried depths of my unconscious.
Those tangible rote responses that occur when my psyche feels under threat from the enemy. Here they were again, lined up to give me another arse-kicking round.
Dragged into consciousness from behind the darkened curtains, screaming and shouting:
Nooooooo! Not again!
The roller coaster ride of uninterrupted inadequacy, worthlessness, unseen aspects of myself again were being exposed by my new in-laws.
The aspects I thought were buried and gone, for the trolls of the underworld to feed on for eons, were back, with a vengeance.

His children's disinterest in me, after 6 years of living with their father, had taken it’s toll, to where I had backed myself into an alley-way with no way out.
I questioned, should I pull out the metaphorical shot-gun and blast my way out? Crawl out on my hands and knees, begging for acceptance? Or lay there and pretend I’m dead?

Of course I ruminated for days, hours, weeks over my invisibility, questioned "why were people so unkind"...
After driving my partner and friends nuts with the same ole same ole story, of persecution I came to this conclusion:
These people were in fact ‘me' judging me,
The parts of my trusty engine that I had taken for granted and neglected, (my old boots) were in fact the parts his family ignore.
I was brought up to acknowledge others,
Try and integrate new people so as they feel comfortable,
Be kind, not cause too many waves,
Include everyone in conversations etc etc.
Work and provide yourself and family a stable comfortable life.
Holidays and partying were a luxury, not viewed as a lifestyle.

His family though had different ideas: holidays are what you work for, discipline a waste of energy and when in a group, fend for yourself.
It's like talking different languages and trying to understand each other.

I had not thought of my way of relating to the world until no one acknowledged myself, and in fact my way of living was viewed as 'abnormal and uninteresting'.
Which was a reflection of my own boredom with my lifestyle.
I needed to polish the new ‘racey lacey’ expressions of individualism.
As my friend suggested, focus on what I wanted and detach from the projections I was hurling their way. These people have different priorities and experiences to myself and I was trying to gain power in a world which was alien to me.
So the answer:
Relax into who you are like an old pair of boots;
Trust that you will buy the right pair of lace stockings to style your outfit.

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