Sagittarius 13-14 The Pyramids And The Sphinx

<tt> and modified from Mira Pavlakovic @</tt> and modified from Mira Pavlakovic @

I clicked on an oracle once thinking about an old friend that I'd lost contact with. I was actually wondering what this person thought of me, so as to plan how to reconnect with them. I got this symbol back and what resonated with me was confirmation that I have no idea what that person thinks!
Often the universe will tell us not to worry about what others think, as it is what we think of ourselves that matters. In fact, it is not our business to know what others think.
Clearly this symbol has the element of mystery and "grandness" about it.

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Do any of the astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron etc) fall on this symbol for you? What has it meant in your life?

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Comments for Sagittarius 13-14 The Pyramids And The Sphinx

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Jul 10, 2017
13 degrees Sagittarius
by: theinitiate

I have this degree rising. Yes, I AM ALWAYS CONCERNED ABOUT WHAT OTHERS THINK OF ME. Damn.... that is a big deal... what you said... so, I will try to STOP worrying about what other people think of me..... It might be a little easier now... since according to progressions.... I am a TRIPLE AQUARIAN.... at least till my prog moon leaves Aquarius..... I AM RUNNING WITH IT...

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