Scorpio 0-1 A Sight-Seeing Bus

<tt>David Salamon @</tt>

David Salamon @

Does any part of the symbol resonate with you?

Share your experiences of this Scorpio karma!

Do any of the astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron etc) fall on this symbol for you? What has it meant in your life?

Please note that your comment may be edited for other visitors' experience. We aim to share knowledge and experience for greater learning.

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Comments for Scorpio 0-1 A Sight-Seeing Bus

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Jul 10, 2017
29 degrees Scorpio
by: theinitiate

Uummm I thought this degree was... Holloween costumes... and ... well, hiding... this is a different interpretation?, okay.... well, I guess I have always had the tendency to want to be on the outside looking in.... I get a bit ... out of sync, when someone recognizes me or knows me... most of my life I thought no one knew who I was... so when someone does know me ... out of the blue... I kind o' do not like it...

Jul 23, 2017
thanks for your insight
by: Bek

Hi theinitiate,

it's always so interesting how a symbol resonates with a different meaning for different people. I can relate to your meaning because I have been "told" by my ancestors that my role in this life is to be a "witness". While I don't have this degree in my natal chart, I feel I can connect to your interpretation of this degree insofar as being a witness to life. As for being in the safety of the shadows(?) or anonymity, I completely understand lol! It's so interesting how the rise of social media makes anonymity so desirable :)

Apr 11, 2023
0 scorpio NEW
by: Anonymous

I do like the security of sitting on a sightseeing bus. No pressure, just interesting changes of scene. This is the degree of my native Chiron, currently being squared by Pluto at 0 Aquarius. How to navigate this?

Jun 15, 2023
south node for us all in transit
by: Anonymous

but it conjuncts my scorpio part of destiny in my 6th house health intersected between libra on cusp and saggitarius on 7th.
hygeia the health asteroid is conjunct the part of destiny as well.
i have a scorpio daughter in law but i also have a scorpio jealous neighbour by her own confession. we know the nodes have been transiting taurus scorpio these last 18 months so on the 0 It's now leaving for libra. i am taurus. Those nodes are power players.
Help! does that say it all? Serious i m to old for this stuff. i don t want to play like Ike and Tina. Speaking of which it's interesting as death takes our beloved people of so many years and i will be amongst them - you gotta wonder. Where are we going. A sight seeing bus means i don t have to be alert and scenes - well it reminds me of the album in my dreams showing me things and closing a chapter. A page. Our health is perilous with cancers and all the passionate involvement spoken about so i am so glad it's going out. Bon Voyage

Jul 12, 2024
Scorpio 0 NEW
by: Anonymous

This is my sun & My apartment is along the trolley stop, so I see this picture all the time in my life

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