I have Uranus on this degree. Besides the fact that I have been a geologist, I tend to think of this symbol in more figurative terms. Often in my life, ever since early high school, people and friends have told me that I represent "strength" to them, in terms of how I deal with things. I am not fazed by much, and if I am, I appear to be stoic (not that this is how I thought of myself!). Now that I am in my late thirties, with a family of my own, I finally see what people were saying. I did have a colourful childhood and my partner often wonders why I didn't become a "crack-whore"!
At a workplace in my early thirties, which I called the "snake-pit" I was put into a stressful work situation, in which I thrived. My older peers told me that I handle stress very well. In fact, what happens with me is that when things are stressful, there is nothing else to do but to keep going with the urgent task in front. I just continue to do the task that needs to be done, because freaking out won't do the task. It's just chopping wood and fetching water, and someone has to do it. And often the stressful situation will unpick itself while you are working at it. Or a calm voice will calm the people who are stressing when there is no need to stress.
Generally when I am busy, I have a lot of energy, and get around with a smile on my face.
I feel that this symbol is a gift of resilience that I have used when dealing with problems. Sometimes I wish the gift would be something like "The Rainbow's Pot of Gold", rather than a version of water-off-a-duck's-back, but you get what you get!
As an aside, I know I have a past life as a Mycenaean who worshipped Poseidon. This symbol for me creates images of the sea pounding the shore, which doesn't move.
Does any part of the symbol resonate with you?
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